Why Moroccan Rug Repair And Restoration Is Important

Often, all that's needed to make a rug look beautiful is a thorough, professional rug cleaning service. But sometimes, a rug cannot be cleaned because it is too damaged, and in this instance a first-rate rug restoration service is necessary.
We can provide a wide range of Moroccan rug restoration services, and this is a big reason why we are preferred by those who need Moroccan rug restoration and Moroccan rug cleaning in Westchester. If you attempt to clean a rug while it's damaged, you can exacerbate the damage and possibly ruin the rug completely. This is something our rug cleaning experts would never do, as they have the tools, know-how, and machines necessary to carry out all the common Moroccan rug restoration services.
We are often asked to do rug recoloring, rug reweaving, rug binding, and rug fringing. To know more about these common rug restoration services, read through the sections below, where each one is briefly described.


Rug Recoloring Will Bring Vibrancy Back

Rug recoloring is a service that our restoration technicians have been performing for years. They can bring your rug back to its former glory, and when we're done with recoloring your rug will look as vibrant and bold as the day you purchased it. We use top-of-the-line rug dye, and we will use a special procedure to ensure that the dye stays on the fibers.
After we're done with rug recoloring, your rug will be ready for use immediately. It'll keep its visual appeal for years, and we’ll ensure it has some protection from traffic, dirt, and other things it'll encounter in the future.

When It’s Necessary To Get Moroccan Rug Reweaving

Moroccan rugs often need rug reweaving, and this is mainly because of how they are designed. Most modern rugs don't require reweaving that often, but old and exotic rugs need reweaving so they stay intact and useful.
Oriental, Turkish, and Persian rugs are other rugs that require reweaving often, and if your rug has been damaged by moths or other insects then there's a good chance it can benefit from reweaving. This is another common rug restoration service that our team is frequently asked to deliver.

Moroccan Rug Binding Can Save You From Rug Replacement

Rug binding is another restoration service that will save your beloved Moroccan rug from the trash. We can bind your Moroccan rug using binding tape or a special sewing machine—it’s really up to you. This is an affordable restoration service, and one that we’re often asked to deliver to owners of Moroccan rugs. After your rug is bound, it can be cleaned thoroughly.

Rug Fringing Is An Important Restoration Service

A rug’s fringe is like its backbone, so when this gets compromised it's important to get help from a professional restoration team immediately. After we fringe your rug, we can clean it. Our restoration services are first-rate, and we are also a top choice for those who need Moroccan rug cleaning in Westchester.